
A mostrar mensagens de fevereiro, 2021

Did you know which is the most sympathetic animal in Nature? Learn Now !!

  If you got here it is because you must be Curious to know which is the most Sympathetic animal in Nature.  Without further ado, I present CAPIVARA to you.  Check out below why it is Nature's friendliest animal ☺👌 1. CAPIVARA AND THE CROCODILE 2. CAPIVARA AND THE MONKEY 3.CAPIVARA TURTLES AND DUCKS 4.CAPIVARA AND THE AVE 5.CAPIVARA AND THE DOG 6.CAPIVARA AND THE MONKEYS 7.CAPIVARA AND THE CAT 8.CAPIVARA AND THE RAT Definitely Capybara is the most sympathetic animal in Nature 😍❤

The Game Changed 😱 Hyena spotted carrying lion's head in South Africa

                (Foto: Iris Braun/Media Drum World/IBERPRESS)    Belgian photographer Iris Braun recorded in the famous Kruger Park, in South Africa, how a hyena carried a lion's head.  "It is a cruel image, but that is nature," said the author to the Iberpress agency, which released the photo.  "This image symbolizes the ferocity of the lions and hyenas rivalry. They aim to kill each other. In this case, the hyenas carried around the head of their worst enemy to reassure themselves of their superiority," commented Iris.  The hyena has the habit of chasing its prey for great distances.  Iris said that the day before she took the photo above, she saw a group of lions with an injured female.  She believes that perhaps the head is of this animal, that it was not able to stay with the flock of cats.  If so, Iris believes that hyenas must have attacked in a very coordinated way, as they are much weaker than a lio...

The Nature Is Life❤